Het Arresthuis - Roermond, Engelman Architecten

Het Arresthuis

2011, Roermond

The atmos­p­here of yes­teryear retai­ned in the cold city prison

Hotel Van der Valk wan­ted to extend its branch in the cen­tre of Roer­mond. This plan chan­ged when the hotel was able to take part in a pro­ject to trans­form the city pri­son, which is a listed buil­ding. The entire pri­son com­plex, inclu­ding the old courtroom, was pla­ced on the mar­ket in the form of a com­pe­ti­tive ten­der. We won the com­pe­ti­tion with an inge­nious use for the cell­block. Three cells form one hotel room, in which the sit­ting room and bathroom are sepa­ra­ted by a bedroom in the middle. We res­to­red the com­plex to its appe­a­rance in 1850. There was a lot of dem­o­li­tion work and the sites that were cre­a­ted by this were used for city apart­ments


  • Win­ner of the BNA buil­ding of the year 2012 South Region (jury report)
  •  Win­ner of the Venuez Hos­pi­ta­lity & Style Awards in the cate­go­ry Best Hotel Chain Design 2011
  • Nomination European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe Award 2013


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