Knowledge centre Rabobank - Roermond, Engelman Architecten

Knowledge centre Rabobank

2012, Roermond

a buil­ding with dynamism

The com­mis­sion was to make a know­ledge cen­tre/office buil­ding for the new bank that had been cre­a­ted by the mer­ging of two Rabo­bank bran­ches: Roer­mond and Echt. The buil­ding would have to be a sta­te­ment in the middle of the wor­king area and offer office space to 220 employ­ees.  For the new busi­ness park on the sou­t­hern side of Roer­mond, the muni­ci­pa­lity had plan­ned a stri­king high-rise buil­ding at the entrance to the A73. As the desig­ners, we brought these two ideas together and tac­kled the chal­lenge of con­nec­ting one high-rise ele­ment with a large, elon­ga­ted buil­ding. The til­ted high-rise faces south and stands in its own sha­dow so that the buil­ding is not hea­ted in the sum­mer, thus requi­ring less coo­ling. The til­ted volu­mes are desig­ned as a sculp­ture that appe­ars to move as you drive past. The buil­ding radi­a­tes dyna­mism, which fits the iden­tity of the Rabo­bank well.

pho­tos: Leon Abraas en Harry Segers.

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